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Updating the Aging Network Roadmap in Seattle-King County

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Aging and Disability Services (ADS), as an Area Agency on Aging, monitors trends and issues affecting older people and adults with disabilities in King County. Every four years, ADS and other Area Agencies on Aging throughout the United States develop an Area Plan that charts the course each agency will follow to address emerging needs, while also working to create an age-friendly community.  

The current Area Plan for 2020–2023 describes the function of ADS, presents relevant demographic trends for King County, and outlines major goals and objectives for addressing trends, issues, and needs.  

Area Agencies on Aging are also required to prepare a biennial Area Plan Update. It is an opportunity to hear from community members and network providers—mid-cycle—and reflect changing trends impacting older adults and people with disabilities. While new goals and objectives may be developed for the update, existing goals and objectives are also re-examined and may be revised.  

What’s new in the update? 

Area Plan coverTwo years ago, we would never have dreamed that we would experience a worldwide pandemic. The Area Plan Update for 2022–2023 will include a summary of how ADS, network providers, and key partners have worked together to provide services and supports for those in greatest economic and social need during the COVID-19 pandemic. This section will also include post-COVID goals and objectives. 

The Seattle-King County Advisory Council on Aging & Disability Services (ADS Advisory Council) is reviewing and will provide feedback before approving the draft plan. The draft Area Plan Update for 2022–2023 will be available online at from July 19 to August 2. To request the document in an alternative format, click here. Please allow five business days’ lead time. 

We invite public comment on the Area Plan Update. A virtual public hearing is scheduled at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, August 2, in conjunction with the ADS Advisory Council’s Planning and Allocations Committee meeting. To sign up for public comment, visit To send written comment, e-mail

The public comment period will close at the end of August 2.  

When will the 2022–2023 Update be final? 

Following the August 2 public hearing, final edits will be made to the draft Area Plan Update and approved by the ADS Advisory Council and key partners. The Update will be submitted to the State Unit on Aging (part of the DSHS Aging and Long-Term Support Administration) on October 5, 2021. Following state approval in early 2022, the final Update will be posted online.  

For more information about the Area Plan, update process, or public hearing, contact ADS planner Karen Winston at

For Aging Network information and resource referrals, call Community Living Connections at (toll-free) 844-348-5464.

Karen WinstonContributor Karen Winston, a senior planner at Aging and Disability Services, is the staff lead on the Area Plan for King County.



Posted in Planning Ahead



